COERR Mae Sarieng Organized Drug Abuse Training for 50 youth of 35 females and 15 males in Ban Mae La Ma Luang Temporary Shelter on July 6, 2021; and in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter on July 7, 2021 for 53 youth of 28 females and 25 males.
These trainings aimed to help the youth participants who are the new generation in the community learned life skills through discussion on drug problems and brainstorming to address the problem caused by drug abuse and raise public awareness.
When youth understood about drug abuse that affected their health, the family’s health and the society, they intended to help others and protect themselves from drug addiction, and wished that the community leaders understood the youth’s perspectives and participation in problem solving.
At the end of the day, the trainer gave a summary of drug abuse among children and youth, as follows: “There is an escalation in drug abuse among youth, partly due to easy access, imitation of behavior, wrong desire for social acceptance. The impact of drug abuse on youth, family and community are enormous. As youth and children have been aware of drugs impact, it is necessary for them to have drug refusal skill and commit themselves in more creative activities with friends to prevent themselves from drug addiction”. The atmosphere of the training was filled with enthusiasm of youth as some of them have just heard, for the first time, about harmful and toxic effects of some drugs in the users.
The Dialogue with youth on Drug Abuse, in Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter on July 6, 2021

The Dialogue with youth on Drug Abuse, in Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter on July 7, 2021
